Friday, October 19, 2012

The little moments matter

Today was not an exceptionally good day.  I don't feel like I accomplished anything on my list.  Boogie was still a bit under the weather.  Hubby had so much work to do.  When we tried to go out as a family Will's diaper failed.  It just wasn't a very good day.  Defeated, we trudged upstairs to put the boys to bed.  When we entered their room, ahh the disappointment.  It was a mess.  As a group we began straightening up, everyone a bit sad to have to include that in the bedtime routine.  And then things just changed.

Will was little wound up.  He started backing up across the room, getting a running start and then throwing himself into my arms.  Next he did that to Hubby and finally to Boogie.  Hubby sought to calm him down by pretending to sleep on the floor.  Little did he know that whenever Will and I catch Boogie asleep we pretend he's a sleeping prince who needs love to wake up.  Of course, Will immediately thought that was the game his daddy was playing and began hugging and kissing him.  By the time Hubby got up Will had decided he would make a nice horse.  Next Will wanted me to bounce him while Boogie and Hubby interacted.  Eventually I insisted the kids make their way to the beds.  Just before they climbed in Will decided to hand out some more hugs and kisses.  I snatched him up and said, "Where's the best place for kisses?" and began to call out places and kiss him.  On the foot, on the hand, on the shoulder, on the head, on the knee, on the ear, on the belly, on the nose, on the elbow, on the cheek, on the mouth.  I tried to give him a hug then but he was too busy pushing me away as he shouted out, "No, on the brother!" He ran to Boogie, hugged him tight around the neck and gave him a kiss.  We all laughed and threw out our arms.  Will started running from one person to the next with big hugs and sweet kisses.

As our spontaneous little playtime came to a close I realized I was starting to tear up.  Obviously my pregnancy hormones were getting the better of me, but I think most people would be tempted to cry too.  Really, it hadn't been a great day but somehow that little bit of happiness and togetherness was the only thing that mattered about the day.  It wasn't a planned event, a big activity or a wrapped present but it was one of those little moments that will always matter to me.  The little moments really do matter, they are what family is made of!

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