Saturday, August 25, 2012

Boog's rules on being a good big brother

When we first told Boogie about the newest addition growing in my belly we asked him what his advice would be to Will on being a great big brother.  What he said was odd and quirky.  It was very Boogie.  He hasn't stopped the odd and quirky thing either.  Just yesterday we had a giggle worthy discussion. (-Mom, how far is a mile? -umm, 5,280 feet I think -Wow, that's far -yep -So 300 miles would be... really, really far)  This morning I overheard him exclaim, "Oh, I just had a heartburn." because he realized he left the baby gate open when he walked through and Will was about to sneak out.  So, when I asked him to give Will lessons on being a good big brother I expected hilarity.  He rose to the occasion, but not I way I expected.

The 3 things you have to do to be a good big brother!  (Go ahead and read these with a very authoritarian air!)
1) Love
2) Play
3) Help

To show love you have to share your toys and give hugs and kisses.
To play with a baby you have to play A LOT, and use no small toys or bags.  Those aren't safe for babies.
To help you have to hold the baby's hand so they are happy, sing to them when they are upset and remember to talk softly so you don't upset them.  Babies like that stuff.

Often I worry that everything I say to Boogie goes in one ear and out the other but today he showed me that some things have sunk in.  He may sometimes forget which planet rotates "backwards" or all the words that are pronouns but he remembers how to love.  What more should I ask for?

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A Will bit of cuteness

Just a quick story to make everyone giggle...

The other day Will tried to run past me.  When he got to me I leaned out and gave him little kiss.  He immediately stopped running and started crying!  I said, "Are you that sad that I stole a kiss?"  He shook his head yes and popped his bottom lip ever further out than before.  I said, "Do you want me to kiss it and make it all better?"  He smiled, shook his head yes, accepted my kiss and went merrily on his way.  Ahhh, the logic of a little guy!