Have you ever felt like someone or something was watching you? You instinctively know that there are eyes trained upon you. You just know- Somebody's eyes are watching. Well, I do know. Why? Because those eyes belong to one of our beloved felines.
Her name is Pattycake and she is Boogie's cat. She is his because she is the kitty that loves the attention of little hands and a loud voice. She doesn't mind that he gives as many hugs and kisses on her face as he does bits of petting. She doesn't even mind being wrapped up in his arms for a rather lengthy period of time. She is just a great cat for a little boy.
And so you ask- then why do I think she is watching me? Well, simply put- she is. She has been really affected by this pregnancy. Once I left the first trimester behind her behavior changed drastically. She is still super sweet to Boogie. She still chooses his loving over anyone else's, but she has also picked up the habit of watching me. Really, she guards me.
When she is allowed in my room at night she sleeps between me and the door. When she isn't supposed to be in my room at night she attempts to hide beneath the bed, between me and the door. If her attempts to hide fail, she sits outside my door ever vigilant. She sits near me during the day, always on watch for something coming to harm me. When I am overexerting myself she positions herself at my feet and meows at me, herding me back to a place to rest. When I am alone in the house she stays near me except when making rounds to check that all is safe. I don't know if it is me she is guarding or if she is protecting this baby but she is definitely guarding us.
I don't know what a darling little cat can do to protect me should harm come my way, but somehow she reassures me that I always have someone with me in this pregnancy. I always have a little protection around me, even when I can't see it. It's nice, it's sweet and I adore her for it. And I thank God for my little reminder in the form of a darling cat.
Animals ARE amazing and have a keen motherly instinct! Love It!
ReplyDeleteAAAW! I'm such an animal lover.. and still very hormonal!! You brought tears to my eyes with this one ;}
ReplyDeleteWhen I went home to visit my mom during my pregnancy, my dog Bishop didn't jump on me for the first time. He was very gentle and sweet and wanted to sniff my belly.. like he was checking that everything was o.k... Our animal friends can be so in tune. Humans could learn a lot from the love and loyalty they so freely give us. I'm sure kitty is prepared to give her life for you and the life you hold inside of you.
She has amazed me with her handling of this pregnancy! She is also the only one of the kitties sure to not walk on my belly, though one of them does it now (it seems) to get the baby to kick her. Anyway, she is just amazing!