Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The big countdown!

Today marked the start of our big countdown.  We have just one month before this baby is scheduled to be in my arms.  In one month our lives will change, again! That means that we also have one month to finish our to-do list. 

We have been working really hard at this list, and yet it isn't done.  We are sitting at 84 out of 113.  And tomorrow somehow it will probably change- to 84 out of 114.  Ha ha!  Some things aren't things that can be accomplished in an instant (like train the kitties to stay off the baby stuff) and some things are only missing pieces before they can be crossed off.  Other things- well, I am starting to worry they won't be done.  I mean, I can't control how fast stuff sells on craigslist.  But I need it all sold before I can cross that off the list, or I need to decide to keep it for a while or give it away or something.  Anyway, I know I should focus on how much has been done and how wonderful it will be to have Will in my arms.   I am really going to try to focus on those and not let the fact that I have to accomplish at least one thing a day to complete the tasks by our due date make my skin itch.  You all might have to help me with that though!  :P

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