Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Where there's a Will...

I have kind of avoided writing this post for a while because I have been afraid that I wouldn't be able to put our feelings into words.  Finally though, despite still feeling that I can't possibly express things well enough, I am going to write it.

We have chosen a name for our new little man.  And the decision came, much like Jacob's name came, without arguing.  It was a bit of a shock after all of the issues we had been having.  The name just settled in and took root and there it was.

William Howard a.k.a. Will

It fits all of the criteria set forth, in amazing ways.  William means protector.  Howard means chief guardian.  Wonderful attributes for a boy to grow in to a man possessing.   Then there are the men he is named after.  There are three men we are naming him after; Hubby's grandfather, my grandfather and my father.  William in is honor of both Hubby's grandfather and my father. Howard is in honor of my grandfather.

Hubby's grandfather, whom he called Daddy Bill, passed before I ever got to know him but what I know of him makes me feel good about naming my baby after him.  By all accounts he was a wonderful grandfather and father.  When my husband talks about his childhood 90% of the time it is relating things he did with Daddy Bill.  Daddy Bill taught him about being passionate about things, always gave him time and attention and treated him as an equal.  Daddy Bill played with childhood games with him and yet, taught him to play golf.  And I am guessing that means he had plenty of patience!  I have to admit that I wish, on a regular basis, that I could have had the honor of knowing Daddy Bill, even if for just a short while.

My father was my hero growing up.  I know all little girls idolize their daddy's, but how many still have their daddy's sitting on a pedestal at 25?  I did.  When I was very little he bought me a little pair of red barrettes with "I love football" on them and then proceeded to teach me all about the game and just when to yell at the refs.  Haha.  When I was slightly older he let go of my bicycle way before I thought I was ready because he believed I could do it.  And when I got my first car my dad took me to the garage, handed me the Chilton's and told me to get the master cylinder rebuilt.  My dad taught me that there wasn't anything I had to be scared to try.  Of course, he also taught me just how far back I could bend my head if it helped avoid a power peel, how to avoid a shot rubber band and how to handle being pig piled by adults, but I digress.

My grandfather has always been my rock.  When other people in this world have let me down or deserted me I always knew he was there.  He has always known when to hug and when to talk.  He never forces his opinions but can always make you understand his way of seeing things.  He is a work horse and a genius rolled in to one.  Before he retired he worked more hours every week than I knew there were in a week and still found time to farm.  But he pulled it off to take care of his family.  He has always been the safest place I know.  I could go on, but being pregnant and all, I am getting super weepy thinking about these wonderful men.

So there you have it- William Howard and why. 


  1. Vilara:

    This will be the perfect choice for naming him. It will be a wonderful story to pass down through generations. I am sure he will live up to his namesake! Huge Hugs, Aunt Shell

  2. Thanks! All of my kids have been named after amazing people- Hubby and I must have been blessed to have known such great people.
