Monday, January 24, 2011

Ack! Eeek!

I feel what time I have left to get things done just clicking away with each second.  You know all the jokes about women's biological clocks?  Well, my biological clock never ticked as loud as the organizational clock.  I look around and feel like I can't possibly get everything done but also know that I just plain have to get it done.  Just the thought of it all makes my neck and back contract and tighten to new heights of back ouch.  And I feel constantly reminded that I can't get just enough done because once this baby gets here I will be struggling to heal from the surgery while taking care of my boys.  It has to all get done.  I have been trying to just knock out one thing a day that makes me go, "Yea!  I accomplished something real!"  But that feeling only lasts a few seconds before I think, "Oh, I have a million other things to get done and I don't have a million days to do them."  I think I am going to have to resort to my old reliable coping technique- making lists!  I am fully aware that my lists will be multiple pages but just thinking about crossing things off the lists makes me feel a little better, slightly more in control.  Hubby doesn't always appreciate my lists because they overwhelm him but his preference, me not making lists and just trying to remember everything and keeping it at the front of my brain so that I can just tell him one "what's next?" at a time, overwhelms me!  Wish us luck!  And I will try to keep everyone updated on what we actually accomplish!  Sad as it sounds I do believe todays big accomplishment will actually be the lists! 

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