Tuesday, June 26, 2012

That jack-o-lantern smile!

Kiddo got her first tooth right when the books said she should.  Boogie got his early, 2 months early.  So imagine my surprise when the time babies usually get their first tooth came and went for little Willkins.  I talked to the doctor about it.  I talked to the dentist about it.  I googled it.  I was actually a little panicked about it, and very definitely sensitive about it.  The doctor said, "no big deal."  The dentist said, "It's super common."  The wackjobs on google said he was brain dead.  Umm yeah, OK.

At Will's one year check-up the doctor checked for any signs that his teeth were coming in.  Nothing.  The doctor still wasn't worried.  He said give it until his 18 month checkup.  That was on April 30th.  Everyday I checked for signs of teeth.  Nothing, nothing, nothing... Then, on May 28th, I woke up to 3 teeth poking through.  Say what?  One top front tooth actually protruded, the other top front tooth shined through and one bottom front tooth was a sharp little tack of a tooth corner pushed through!  The very next day I checked and evidence of 6 teeth to come was there.  We are still waiting for those other teeth to poke through, though I believe the other bottom front tooth has an edge protruding.  But, now I wait patiently.  For now I will enjoy an adorable little jack-o-lantern smile.  And it is certainly adorable.

Leave it to Will to do things in his own way and time!  :)

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