On August 20, 2009 my friend Molly gave birth to a little boy. On September 8, 2010 she said goodbye to him. After days of watching her little bug suffer through a stroke and major brain damage her son, Cory Francis Sechtin, left her life. He was barely a year old. As my little boy approaches a year old I look at him and think of Molly and Cory.
I think of how Molly must have felt when she got the phone call that Cory was injured. I think of those days that she spent by his side wanting what could only be considered a miracle. I think of all the things that she will miss with him because he is gone. She will never see him run or hit a baseball. She will never get to hold his hand (or be told not to hold his hand) on the way to his first day of school. She will never find out if he is a dunker or a twister of Oreos. She will never have the opportunity to love or hate his first girlfriend. She will never cheer him on at a ball game or a concert. She will never help him with his homework. She will miss kindergarten, middle school, high school and college graduations. She will never know what kind of big brother he would be. She will never have grand kids that look exactly him. She will never embarrass him by taking 6 million pictures of him with his prom date. She will never teach him to ride a bike or a skateboard. She will never hear him sing or say, "I love you so much Mom!" She will miss so many large moments and a million little moments. She has been robbed of her little boy.
There is only moment left for her to have with Cory. That moment is the arrest of his murderer. Yes, I said murderer. There have more days since Cory's death than Cory had in life. What a sad thought. Molly has had to wait 18 months for the prosecutor to hold Cory's murderer responsible. She has waited over a year for the world to hear about how the husband of her child's daycare provider/babysitter shook her baby to death.
I am amazed that no one has taken note of Cory's life, and death. Where are the million binky marches for Cory? Where are the groups putting up pictures of Cory's killer and demanding justice? Where are the phone calls to the prosecutors office demanding he open the case file and get things moving? Where are the celebrities and sports teams crying out for Cory?
Well, I am crying out for Cory and for Molly. Won't you join me? You can start by clicking here and liking her page. From there Molly will keep you updated on the status of the case and what you can do to help demand justice for a little boy whose future was stolen from him.
*Edit* At the same time that I was writing this post another friend of Molly's wrote up a petition on Change.org to go to the office of the prosecutor responsible for the delay in prosecution. If you would like to go straight to the petition from here click here. Thanks!
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