Monday, October 31, 2011

MMMMM Pizza!

I have a confession to make.  Boogie does not get to choose his own Halloween costume.  Each year I go to the store on November 1st and purchase the costume for the next year.  I know what he likes and we discuss it in advance but I only get what I can get a good price on and then Boog has a year to get excited about it.  This year he had two years to get excited about it since the costume I bought for last year wasn't needed since we ended up with our Disney themed costumes from Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party.  Two years of having this costume hanging in his closet did not dull his excitement for it.  He was super excited to be a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. 

Now can you guess who's costume I didn't buy way in advance?  Yep, the kid who was just a jellybean at Halloween last year.  Some time around August I started wondering out loud about what Will should be for Halloween.  Hubby always just smiled and told me I would figure something out.  Then one day I thought I was making a joke.  I said, "Since Boog is being a turtle maybe Will should be the turtles favorite thing, pizza."  To my surprise no one laughed.  Instead Hubby said, "Oh, that would be cute" and Boogie said, "YES YES YES YES!"  After that I tried to talk them out of it.  There are no pizza costumes for baby's out there.  I couldn't even find a pattern for one.  They clung to the pizza idea.  I gave in.

We had to hand design the costume and then, obviously, hand make it.  Hubby and I picked out most of the fabric together, though I get full credit for the awesomeness of the crust fabric.  It was a remnant of a fabric we had never seen before but it was so perfect for a pizza crust!  Then Hubby was responsible for making up the crust and cheese while I did the sauce and toppings.  It was a team effort and I have to say that it turned out awesome.  Together Will and Boogie were the cutest little pair in the neighborhood!

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