Friday, September 30, 2011

After 3 weeks

A few weeks ago Boogie had a little something "funny feeling" in his mouth.  I took a look for him and discovered that he had an adult tooth sticking out.  It was super far back in his mouth and his corresponding baby tooth was not loose at all.  Of course, being the superb mommy I am, I freaked out about it.  First of all, this was just another sign that my little guy gets closer and closer to being a big guy every day.  Secondly, that tooth was sooo far back.  Thirdly, if that baby tooth didn't fall out then how would the adult tooth ever move forward?  I told Boog to wiggle and jiggle that tooth as much as he could as often as possible.  When Kiddo has a loose tooth it takes her no more than 36 hours to get the tooth out.  I thought surely he would get that tooth out and all would be fine.

The next day I checked and nothing, nada, no movement.  Seriously, it was like he hadn't been wiggling at all.  After grilling him like a pig at a luau I discovered that he hadn't been wiggling it!  I took him out to pick out fabric for a tooth fairy pillow.  He picked a shamrock pattern but that may be a whole different post.  Anyway, it was my way of attempting to bribe him into a little wiggling.  It didn't help.  He didn't wiggle or jiggle.

I wanted to have a dentist pull the tooth but we were thwarted by the dentists office workers and the insurance.  After two weeks I was willing to do everything short of grabbing the pliers.  I started wrapping that tooth in dental floss and yanking.  I did this over and over and over.  The tooth kept getting looser but it just wouldn't come out. 

Today I tried again before going to pick up Kiddo but it wouldn't come out.  Today marked three whole weeks of trying to get this tooth out!  I gave up and went to get Kiddo.  In the car I filled Kiddo in on how much I have failed!  She giggled with me and then asked Boogie if she could try.  She turned around in the car, barely touched his tooth and out it came.  I think she may be the tooth whisperer! 

So, finally, after three weeks- Boogie has lost his first baby tooth!  Go Boogie!

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