Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Magic Kitty

Recently I told everyone about my little watch kitty.  She is an awesome little watch kitty, and has done sweet sweet things for me, but this post isn't about her.  Would you believe that two of my kitties are awesome?  Seriously!

Casanova is my kitty.  He was the first kitty we got and he really only likes Hubby and me.  He hides from most everyone else.  And he really hadn't reacted very well to this pregnancy.  He had been avoiding me, aided by my hubby locking the kitties out of my room at night.  Hubby claimed that was to help me sleep while I believe it was so he could steal all the kitty loving!  Despite that effort (haha) I have had a horrible time sleeping.

Recently I developed pregnancy induced sleep apnea.  Multiple times in an hour I wake up making an inhale scream (the type you make when the scariest thing in the world just startled you.)  And apparently for every time you wake up there are a whole lot more where you don't wake up.  Consequently I have been exhausted.

Anyway, the night before last  Hubby fell asleep before ushering me upstairs so I didn't have the kitties locked out.  Well, Casanova climbed up on the bed and snuggled my neck and upper chest.  He just purred til I went to sleep.  And I didn't wake up for three hours.  Even then it was just a kick to the bladder that woke me up.  That 3 hours of sleep was more restful than any sleep I had experienced in weeks!  Last night Casanova came to bed with me again.  Once again he curled up in the exact same place and put me to sleep.  Actually, he put me to sleep in less than ten minutes, hours earlier in the night than I had been able to go to sleep this whole pregnancy!  He stayed with me most of the night, putting me right back to sleep every time my tiny little bladder woke me up.  I went the entire night without any of those screams!  AND I slept for probably nine and a half hours total!  It was amazing. 

Now, obviously my kitty isn't actually magic.  I know it, you know it, we all know it.  BUT just the same somehow he, or his purr, of the placement of his purr with where he snuggled me helped me soooo much!  I just had to brag on my wonderful kitty!  Go Cas!

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