Friday, November 19, 2010

15 minutes of happiness!

Wednesday was my latest doctor appointment and it was wonderful.  We were only there for a total of 15 minutes!  I am talking 15 from the time we walked in the door til the time we said goodbye!  I walked in, immediately made it through check in, had my longest wait for the day in line for the potty, went back immediately, heard my beloveds heartbeat, talked about my meds and said see ya!  The doctor even told me I was making his job very easy!  Ha ha!  I was so happy to hear that heartbeat!  The Doppler barely touched my belly before we heard that distinctive sound.  And what a heartbeat it is!  When the doctor showed Hubby the heart rate was 170 and when he showed me it was 161.  That is one thumping little heart! 

As for the meds discussion I mentioned earlier, well, the doctor has decided to downgrade me to something with fewer side effects.  I am nervous to switch since the old stuff works so well but since the old med has the permanent side effect of twitches if you take it too long I will give it a go!  Ha ha!  Here's to praying the switch goes well!

Oh and don't forget that on Dec. 1st we should find out the sex of this little one!  Everyone can put in their guess and we will see who is right!  :)


  1. I will guess a boy! But as long as it is healthy that is all that matters!

  2. You are right that most of all I want healthy! :)
