Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The end of an era!

We have reached the end of an era.  In just 4 hours I will wake up to prepare to go in for my fourth c-section.  In just a couple hours more than that Will will cease to be the baby of the family.  I will suddenly be the mother to 4 children instead of 3. 

Sometime tomorrow morning, Brad will finally be in my arms instead of my womb.  It seems odd to say that the time has come.  It seems like we should have more time, and yet it seems like I have been pregnant forever!  Each child begins a new chapter in my life, a new bit of story to grow right along with him.  And so, we have reached the end and the beginning at the same time.  Welcome precious Brad, I can't wait to live your story with you!

Friday, October 19, 2012

The little moments matter

Today was not an exceptionally good day.  I don't feel like I accomplished anything on my list.  Boogie was still a bit under the weather.  Hubby had so much work to do.  When we tried to go out as a family Will's diaper failed.  It just wasn't a very good day.  Defeated, we trudged upstairs to put the boys to bed.  When we entered their room, ahh the disappointment.  It was a mess.  As a group we began straightening up, everyone a bit sad to have to include that in the bedtime routine.  And then things just changed.

Will was little wound up.  He started backing up across the room, getting a running start and then throwing himself into my arms.  Next he did that to Hubby and finally to Boogie.  Hubby sought to calm him down by pretending to sleep on the floor.  Little did he know that whenever Will and I catch Boogie asleep we pretend he's a sleeping prince who needs love to wake up.  Of course, Will immediately thought that was the game his daddy was playing and began hugging and kissing him.  By the time Hubby got up Will had decided he would make a nice horse.  Next Will wanted me to bounce him while Boogie and Hubby interacted.  Eventually I insisted the kids make their way to the beds.  Just before they climbed in Will decided to hand out some more hugs and kisses.  I snatched him up and said, "Where's the best place for kisses?" and began to call out places and kiss him.  On the foot, on the hand, on the shoulder, on the head, on the knee, on the ear, on the belly, on the nose, on the elbow, on the cheek, on the mouth.  I tried to give him a hug then but he was too busy pushing me away as he shouted out, "No, on the brother!" He ran to Boogie, hugged him tight around the neck and gave him a kiss.  We all laughed and threw out our arms.  Will started running from one person to the next with big hugs and sweet kisses.

As our spontaneous little playtime came to a close I realized I was starting to tear up.  Obviously my pregnancy hormones were getting the better of me, but I think most people would be tempted to cry too.  Really, it hadn't been a great day but somehow that little bit of happiness and togetherness was the only thing that mattered about the day.  It wasn't a planned event, a big activity or a wrapped present but it was one of those little moments that will always matter to me.  The little moments really do matter, they are what family is made of!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

2 checkups in 2 days

A few days ago Will turned 18 months old.  That, of course, means the time has come for his 18 month check up and his first dental appointment.  Amazingly, he had both of them this week!  Monday was his first trip to the dentist and today was his check-up.

Monday went amazingly well.  I expected him to cry and scream.  I mean, who likes the dentist?  Not at all the case!  All the hygienist had to do was show him the toothbrush and he opened his mouth for her just like he does for me everyday for brushing!  I was so impressed.  Really the only thing he didn't seem to like very much was the fluoride treatment.  Even then he only whimpered about it for a second.  The entire staff seemed to agree that it was the best dental visit they have ever seen for a guy so young!

Will was in a completely different mood today.  He cried the minute we got into the room.  He didn't want to be weighed or measured at all.  He didn't scream bloody murder or anything, he just kept crying and giving me sad eyes.  He apparently remembers that that is where he gets shots!  And, of course, he got two shots today! :( Poor little fella just couldn't catch a break!  He was a good boy about them and the doctor was happy with his development so I can't complain at all.  It was just sad.  When we got in the van he said to me, "Momma, it hurts!" Hopefully the soreness will be gone by the morning!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

On the hunt

Anyone that knows me well at all can tell you that I am a list girl.  I make to do lists for everything!  Of course, that means that I have a list (or three) of things to get done before this baby comes.  Most things on my to do lists I can assign a time frame.  You know how it goes- install baby gate: 30 minutes, reorganize pantry: 2 hrs, Clean out freezer: 1 hr, Choose going home outfit: Oh my goodness, who knows!

Yep, choosing an outfit for my newest baby to go home in has been quite a challenge.  I am willing to reuse most anything from one baby to the next but the going home outfit is the exception.  I feel like each baby deserves to face the big, bad world for the first time in something chosen just for them!  It has always been a big deal to me, ever since I didn't get to choose my daughter's going home outfit.  Her birth was early and far from home and so I didn't have anything with me.  Luckily, my Aunt Connie had made the hellish drive down just to be there for us and she went shopping for me.  I have always been grateful for that, but it just solidified in my mind the importance of planning for as many contingencies as possible.

We didn't have any problems finding something for Boogie.  We were broke and really would only get to look at all the cute baby clothes.  When we ran across something that was so cute that we were willing to forgo a meal for, it came home with us as his going home outfit.  It's a cuddly yellow and white almost corduroy feeling material with 2 embroidered ducks on it. I must say I still think it is utterly adorable.

We had more difficulty with Will.  Really that makes sense since we were out to find something that would challenge Boogie's outfit for ultimate cuteness.  Eventually we found the cutest little bunny outfit of pale blue for our little Easter time baby.  It is so soft and snugly.  Again, I still LOVE it! 

I should have realized that this time around would be even more difficult.  Now everything I look at is competing with two other outfits!  And, of course, it needs to be completely different from the other outfits!  So for months now we have been looking all over the place for something amazing.  We checked Carter's, Osh Kosh, Children's Place, Janie and Jack, Crazy 8's, etc.  We checked each store numerous times constantly waiting for the stock to change.  No luck.

Just when I thought that I would have to settle something amazing happened... we found something cute.  It's cotton so it's not as fancy as the other outfits have been but what it lacks in fancy it makes up for in sweet.  It is white with blue and gray, with elephants on it to represent the little chunker on the way.  And it says, "Mommy loves me" which is so very true.  It's simple but, with everything else we've had thrown at us lately, simple seems perfect.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Playing Kissyface

I love so many of the phases children go through.  I love when newborns grasp tightly to a finger just out of reflex.  I love when babies first learn a word and they just babble it over and over.  I love the shocked look when a toddler first accomplishes a new feat.  I could go on and on listing off the amazing phases children go through but I have to just pause on the phase that Willkins is currently in.  Perhaps it is because it is his current phase but, at least for right now, this is my FAVORITE phase!

He's in the kissy phase!  He kisses me whenever he walks past me.  He wrestles Boogie to the floor, grabs his head and just kisses and kisses him all over his head.  He runs up to the cats, wraps his arms around them and kisses them. He grabs each little stuffed animal, hugs it and kisses it before moving on to the next.  Sometimes he just crawls up in my lap and begins kissing me.  He'll kiss my knees, my shoulders, my cheeks and just anywhere that he can. 

I love having him express his affection so freely.  It is so sweet and amazing.  I know that he won't be in this lovely phase for as long as I would love him to be.  That would be impossible!  But at least I can enjoy it for now! :)